Gabrielle Gardner & Dickon Walker - Aviva Water - 11/06/2012
Aviva Water supplier ionised water units across the UK
To promote the health benefits of drinking ionised water.
Features and a competition were published regionally: Sussex Life Magazine and nationally: South London Business Magazine and YOURS MAGAZINE.
Prior to working with The Business Promoter we have only had very minor media exposure and have frankly had a number of unproductive and costly experiences with other PR companies.
Thanks to Emma, we're gaining exposure in Sussex Life, Etc magazine and South London Business magazines. In addition Emma has also gained exposure in 'Yours' a leading lifestyle magazine, due out in the autumn. The results Emma has achieved for us, and in such a short space of time, are exceptional. We've found her to be very focused on
bringing about productive outcomes from her conversations, which has borne excellent results.
One further point is that we've been very pleased with the amount of open communication which Emma has shared with us, demonstrating good value throughout the process.
Gabby and Dickon – Directors Aviva Water
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