The Business Promoter Blog

Free PR & Marketing Opportunities

17 January 2012

Irrespective of which sector you work in, the modern culture of celebration and recognition could be extremely handy for your marketing and PR campaigns.

Known as National and International days, weeks and months of celebration and recognition; and each year, dozens of new dates being added to the calendar, conveniently available on Google, invest some quick research time to check how your company could tie in with these dates.

Many of these dates of awareness are well-known such as World Aids day, or Fair trade week, commencing the last week of February, additionally there is a large list, compiled in chronological order which could provide you with an invaluable marketing and pr opportunity.

For instance, National Popcorn day is celebrated in the US on the 19 January and Cancer Talk week runs from the 18-22 January.

Simply spend half an hour studying the calendar to search for dates which tie in with your market audience. Select the dates which apply to your sector and write them into your marketing plan or calendar. Your marketing plan or calendar should be treated as a work in action tool and provides you with an abundance of material to underpin your marketing activity. At the very least it gives you a purpose to communicate with your customers and prospective clients alike.   

Planning your campaigns could not be easier and pre-planning will save you time and money. Be ahead of the game this year; aim to be super efficient and well organised. Select as many dates as possible which are pertinent to your sector. You could identify as many as six or more of them with very little effort.

You could be in the food sector, for instance so can capitalise with British sandwich week - do a best sandwich filler competition to your local trade and  gain from the subsequent, relevant, marketing and press attention.

Perhaps you provide alternative pain treatment such as being chiropractic or osteopath, if so then plan your marketing and PR around National Back Pain week.

Simply search national and international awareness dates in Google as it will be the most valuable task you do this week and as we’re only in January the timing could not be better for you. 


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An easy guide to PR and how you can use it in your business

9 January 2012

PR stands for two things. Public Relations and Press releases and these are just two forms of marketing which you should consider in your 2012 marketing plan.

However before I talk about PR, when you are allocating this year’s marketing budget do set aside your advertising budget because advertising in select media forms relevant to your sector will work for you. Too often especially in tough economic times, companies cut out advertising altogether thinking that it doesn’t provide a healthy return when all too often the case is that they simply haven’t found the correct media form for their particular business. Advertising works; if it didn’t then large well-known companies with big budgets would not appear in the commercial breaks.

Back to PR, public relations is the relationship you form with your market, the way you communicate your unique selling point messages.  An effective way to achieve this is through writing press releases which hold topical or timely useful news; news that would appeal to readers or viewers. Content which is relevant and fits in with the media brand form who you wish to target.

Like all of us, Editors are busy and although they are looking for interesting editorial which fits their brand, in order to sustain their title they need a healthy mix of both quality advertising and editorial. This simple knowledge needs consideration and respect when contemplating submitting your press release.

If you have a worthy story then as with everything, it always works out cheaper in the long run to hire an expert as opposed to trying to manage the task yourself.

Editors are inundated with apparent news stories; alas so many of them are purely sales plugs and in Editor’s shoes, would you want to plough through a hefty in box of uninvited stories? Similarly to curriculum vitas’, where an alarming 99% of them do not comply to a one page format with the personal statement on the foot of the page, the ratios of inferior press releases applies.

Should you have an anniversary, event or something you deem newsworthy, then your press release ought to be on a single page and the inclusion of imagery helpful too; a single photograph is sufficient and always respect an Editor’s busy schedule by making the headline relevant to your story and the main message you wish to convey in the first paragraph. Finally ensure that you include your contact details for the Editor’s convenience.


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Secret sales formula – take care of your customers

7 November 2011

According to marketing guru Chris Cardell, the average business owner only spends 11% of their time actively selling their products or services to customers both current and new. The rest of the Director's time is spent "doing the doing", entrenched in other aspects of their business, social media or other.

But what could be more important than looking after your customers' and getting the sales through the door, closing them whilst finding out other ways in which you can make your customers lives easier through the provision of services and products which you supply.

Ask any well-known or successful entrepreneur what they regard to be the most important part of their business and the answer will always be the same to look after your customers'.

These successful people have become master sales people and they spend at least 50% of each working day keeping in touch with their customers – old and new.

So with consistency in proactively keeping in touch with customers being so important, do you have the time to run this vital aspect of your business operations in house?

If not, then whether you dress it up as "marketing", public relations, or networking it all amounts to the basic crucial need to attract sales and close new business.

With over 25 years experience in sales, marketing and PR you may wish to invest five minutes by getting in touch to see how we can get your sales back on target and we'll share some invaluable new tips in how to efficiently attract new business.


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What’s your marketing strategy?

22 October 2011

It’s in tough economic times that some businesses neglect their marketing. Time deficiency, lack of financial or man resources are typically why marketing becomes haphazard, inconsistently executed or simply de-prioritised in many companies today.

Yet your marketing input is the most important aspect of your business because it provides the very foundations on which to grow your future sales and to increase your awareness or brand to your desired market segments; building trust and relationships ultimately leading to new profitable business.

A good marketing strategy highlights the very aspects and components you require to build into your marketing plan. A well thought out and structured marketing plan will actually save you money; due to the very fact that future activities are planned, budgets are pre-allocated preventing ad-hoc decisions from being made, because you are working to a proactive vantage point as opposed to a reactive one.

Here are some key activities which you ought to be doing in preparation to compile your marketing strategy.

  • Review which marketing activities over the last twelve months have been of value and split their value into two areas of value being 1: The awareness value of your business 2(published press releases, articles etc which have raised your profile): The financial value for your business. ( new customers )
  • Collate any ideas or first time events which you embarked on over the last year and allocate them to one of the above two areas of value. Those which do not immediately fall into one of the sets are likely, not to be providing value and so do not get written up in your marketing plan.
  • Have a brain storming session or send an email to all your associates and staff within your company, asking for submissions of any marketing ideas to be kindly submitted to you by a required date. ( it’s important to use a time sensitive action date as you will need to sift and sort all of the suggestions into one of the two above mentioned sets)
  • Invest in, what will take you an hour maximum, some online research looking for awareness dates in the forthcoming year. Some you will already be aware of and you will find other dates which bare relevance too. Relevant dates provide the opportunity for timely press releases and tie-in opportunities.
  • Review your website, and consider: are the pages current, pictorially and textual? Are all your web pages clearly promoting your core services or products, are they easy to see? What are you doing to capture new online enquiries, how can you improve your sales conversion and response rate?
  • Is the work that you do easy to understand and relatively quick to digest?
  • What offers can you make adding value to future sales, can these offers be allocated to the next twelve months ahead, and can you allot them into monthly blog offers?


Now you have the components’ on which to build your marketing plan on.


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Speak To Me

7 October 2011

I know we’re all extremely time deficient, not helped by the tough economy, but we can all help to improve business flow if only we would start talking again!

If we can all start to re-kindle good old fashioned conversations, as opposed to social media communications, and as long as we’re respectful of one another’s time shortages; once actually engaged in a conversation we can  ask direct questions  like, “ are you ready to place the order?” or  “what can we do to support your decision?” Or “I can hear you’re busy, so when is a convenient time for me to call you back?”

Language, unique to the human race, seems to be thin on the ground right now; replaced and almost forgotten, due to social media, and frankly even emailing hasn’t “helped” either. Whilst emailing is great, less paper wastage for one and yes it’s an invaluable instant form of communication; to over-look entirely, good old fashioned talking is to our peril; because people buy from people let’s not forget that!

How can we tell how our prospective clients are truly feeling without speaking to them; how can we pick up on buying signals etc?  Will our language, soon regress- reverting to simple dialect, reliant purely on the email?

How tragic that would be, and especially for the English language, spoken Worldwide, its universal appeal, our wonderful vocabulary dissolving and eroding?

What opportunities are we missing, when we request to “send an email please”, this is often asked as a fob off, so why can’t we be more assertive; simply state that you are or not interested, a lot of time could be saved for conversations which do hold more relevance to you.

The warning signs are already there that language is being forgotten; the spate of voicemails, messages you leave, which never get returned. Could you start returning the relevant ones; ignoring those which don’t hold relevance?   Politely saying so, should that person actually catch you answering your extension; allocating ten minutes each day to send standard no thank you, emails out; then answering all your emails at two or three set times a day rather than ignoring them all for days on end, or answering each one which pops into your inbox with immediate efficiency then to the detriment of your work flow.

There’s no questions about it, our communications have got off kilter and we need to do something about it; small changes recommended – what can you do to improve the way you communicate?



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The Art of Selling – Part 3

28 September 2011

Word of mouth recommendations or referrals are still known to be the most inexpensive and effective form of marketing. The cost of sale is low because you are marketing to people who you already know- your existing clients. A referral could simply be asking your satisfied customer if they have anyone in mind who may like your service or product; this could be via a simple telephone call or email.

Since this low cost form of generating sales is easy to do, let’s have a look some ways you can get a bit creative when asking for a referral and ways to entice your customer to do so.

  1. If you deliver products such as stationery then you could include a hand written envelope marked private to the person who places the orders with a gift voucher offer, “If you like what we do for you tell someone else and when they place their order then you both get £25 Marks & Spencer vouchers.
  2. Run the same idea to all your customers as an email campaign calling it something like “a little extra help at Christmas”
  3. Incentivise your staff to give you warm sales leads; those which convert into an order, you can reward your employee with a voucher. Think in seasons, we all like delicious food and drink treats at Christmas time.
  4. Take it a step further, incentivise your staff to get competitive, send them an email stating £10 of food vouchers per referral and no limit to the amount they give you. You could even have a “thank you Thursday” when you personally hand out that week’s referral vouchers, great for morale too, but you may want to make sure you add a clause that they must convert.
  5. Some employers I know incentivise their staff simply for a warm lead, if you can too, then this is better as it’s more achievable on the proviso of course that they give you the prospects contact details.
  6. Announce to your customers that you are having a referral month in November; by giving your customers notice you have also made the perfect reason to keep in touch with your clients. Give a generous % off their November bill or add a % extra of your goods to grab their attention!
  7. Use Facebook to promote your referrals and linked in groups
  8. Consider doing a tie in with another business so for example if you are a beauty salon then join forces with a nearby hairdressers!
  9. Make a referral calendar to consider all your peaks and troughs don’t lament about doing it and don’t get it confused with a lengthier, yet critical must have marketing tool being YOUR MARKETING PLAN.
  10. If you don’t have marketing plan or your one is older than twelve months give me a call for a non obligatory chat about my bespoke marketing plan and strategy service.


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The Art of Selling – Part Two

28 August 2011

Hands up all of you, who have ever started but not continued a telemarketing campaign; chances are that you tried it a while ago, felt that you were hitting too many brick walls and so you’ve not considered doing it again.

It’s easy to understand; us human beings don’t like” no thank you, or not interested – the likely key reason that you are not doing it regularly and that when you embarked on trying it last time, you didn’t see the value.

You have to remember though, that talking to prospects over the telephone still remains a far more cost effective way to speak to your prospects rather than filling up the petrol tank and attending badly qualified appointments, or cold calling.

Also to expect every call to lead to a sale is unrealistic so creates feelings of deflation; why this form of marketing, typically, is not done with any consistency.

What you need to do, is set the following objectives when you get on the telephone:

  • Cleansing your database
  • Sorting the database into several categories’ – those who you think will never to business with you, those that might but who are six months away from placing an order and those who are interested in what you do but that the timing is not right yet.
  • Those who are asking questions – good old fashioned buying signs; ask specific questions and say, have you got your diary to hand?

Those who will never do business with you could still wish to receive your blogs, request to follow you on twitter, linked in, or facebook which is an easy, free way to keep them informed using social media and then in six months time, call them all once and if they are still coming up with the same objectives then suppress them on your database. Keep their details just simply mark them as dormant.

Follow the same approach with those prospects who might do business with you, although in six months;  this time recall them in three months for an update, the more interested will inform you  about their plans and some will have had a  re-location or re-structure delaying them from buying from you or it’s a polite fob off. Ask open questions in order to try to establish their real purpose, and those you deem to be a waste of time, mark as suppress, should they also not wish to be included on your social media.

Apply the same approach to your hottest group and be very direct with them. Ask specific questions around their timing; ask them is there any mileage in keeping in touch and don’t be afraid of asking them, if for instance, they say that they are out of budget, ask when they get their new budget allocations and when is their year end.

The aim is to do telemarketing consistently; a way of establishing who your hottest prospects are, and even if it’s only a day a month. Soon you will only need to speak to a group of people who really intend to buy from you and those warmer ones can be kept informed via your social media forms. 


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The Art of Selling – Part One

29 July 2011

Selling your products or services is the single most important part of your business activities. Many of you will be experts at social media, facebook, twitter, linked in etc and these forms of marketing are important too as they are great sales tools but doing these alone will not necessarily “clinch the sale”.

It’s therefore vital to ensure that “pure selling” forms part of your daily or weekly routines; by this I mean either attending qualified appointments with your customers or prospects or indeed making sure that at least one day a week you embark on some telesales.

Get into the habit of goal setting. For example set a monthly target of attending ten new prospect or customer appointments, these appointments must be confirmed and qualified and can be arranged through telesales. The great news is that for those of you who hate selling, you can build your confidence through meeting the customers who already buy from you. And why you may ask? For two reasons, firstly because customers who already buy from you are much more likely to buy additional products or services from you and your cost of sale to your existing customers is far cheaper than your cost of sale to new prospective clients. (Think of all the social media forms you implement in your business, marketing letters and so on that you regularly send out to prospective customers in the hope that something in your marketing messages will resonate with them, enticing them to get in contact with your organisation).

Additionally, and more good news, is that because many businesses are not always brilliant at internal communications you have many more ripe cherries ready for “the picking”.

For example you could be an office furniture supplier, proud of your account with the planning department of your local council and for years Clare Smith has regularly called upon you to supply her. Since you have built a great rapport with her, now is the time to ask for internal referrals into the rest of the departments. Even better ask Clare to put your company on the preferred suppliers list, she might even publicise your company on their intranet, resulting in a very efficient low cost of sale for your business!

So draw up a list of your clients that you can apply this simple sales technique to and happy sales in the days ahead!


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Find a Mentor

9 July 2011

Success is almost always measured by how much money one makes and indeed the freedom it provides for you running your own business.

Yet if you’re feeling fraught and frustrated about achieving your targets goals and aspirations; your business struggling or simply is ticking over then now could be the opportunity to take a more lateral look at how you do things.

Think of people you know or admire those who you consider to be successful and start observing how they do things. It could be as simple as following them on twitter or investing in a couple of autobiographies if the people you admire are well-known.

In the case of reading their pearls of wisdom in their books, think of the value you are getting as it’s almost as though you are benefitting from a personal face to face interview with them. You’ll find that the well-known successful people, tend to write honestly about their journey and in so you get a “warts and all” insight into how they conquered their challenging times in their businesses.

Working for yourself requires certain traits and attributes and these days you will probably have assumed a more hands on approach than in previous times. You may be guilty of working too much in the business rather than on your business.

You will likely be conscious of this and your subsequent feelings of frustration with time being so precious. Remember that the tweaking you feel that you need to make in your business in order to grow profit margins will not happen unless you adjust the way you think and through finding yourself a mentor or several come to that through reading autobiographies you could find some invaluable lessons which you could easily implement in to your business.

Happy reading and gleaning!


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Achieve more in spite of the fact that you are busier than ever!

20 June 2011

Everyone I speak to lately seems more time deficient than ever. Editors’ covering for Production Editors; press photographers, reporting.

Numerous reasons why, holidays the economy or a more efficient work force, the reasons are immaterial and if this resonates with you, perhaps these tips will help you to achieve more in spite of the fact that you too are busier than ever!

Each morning spend ten minutes planning your day, yes your day will consist of interruptions so when these arise deal with them efficiently yourself, delegate them if possible and if not deal with the important interruptions by immediately sending the priority email and then revert straight back to your day planner.

  • If you finish your day with must answer emails, again deal with the urgent ones first, then in tomorrow’s day planner commence it by allocating half an hour to deal with the second priority batch of emails, then revert back to your day planner
  • Smile! No I don’t mean to sound trite this is really important and it’s the best way to A: Keep yourself preservation  intact and B: If you are fortunate enough to have people to delegate to, then a helpful way to encourage your colleagues to want to help you, to feel your purpose and C: It’s good for your health!
  • Eat! Sounds crazy but you must factor in breaks, however small as like cars we need fuel to keep going, chose foods which are rich in protein as they stave away nagging hunger pains plus great for improving concentration too.
  • Drink plenty of water, fuzzy headaches are usually caused by dehydration and green tea is the only drink which counts towards your daily water quota
  • Be pleasant, again good for you, good for morale and if you remain pleasant then this too increases your productivity.
  • Be polite, on the telephone especially as doubtless during the day you need people to wish to cooperate with you and nothing beats good old fashioned manners.
  • Plan something nice to do at the weekend, whatever your budget, a stroll in the country; a friend for dinner, quality time doesn’t have to be expensive.

Good luck planning your week ahead!      


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Support the Amazing Eddie Kidd (Part 2)

5 June 2011

Eddie Kidd has just one mile left to complete the finish line of The London Marathon! Sam Kidd called me earlier announcing the exciting news as they reached Big Ben. Pouring rain, hamstring injuries, let alone the daily pain Eddie suffers has not stopped our Living Legend with his steely determination to complete his incredible journey; raising funds for his beloved charity children with Leukemia. It’s the fourth time Eddie has competed in the London Marathon for the charity and the first time since his accident that he’s been able to do so. With a personal target of £50,000 for the charity so close to his heart, the current amount Eddie has so far raised is nearly £74,000!

“Walking” in his custom made cart, every step Eddie takes requires all his strength, the pain often etched on his face and some friends have even suggested he stop. However with “never give up” as Eddie’s motto and  helped by his infectious humor, doting wife Sam and a host of friends, fans and families support, Eddie is due to cross the finishing line tomorrow evening. Check out his blog on

Crowds are expected to cheer our hero and I think it would be awesome to see if we can help our inspirational hero reach £100,000 so please visit his website and make your pledge.

Thank you.

Wishing Eddie “Happy Landings” for tomorrow! 


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Support the Amazing Eddie Kidd

9 May 2011

Please accept my absence from blogging recently; as Eddie’s press and publicity agent, I’m sure you can appreciate that I’ve been busy helping to keep our living legend in the media. Fourteen times world champion and stunt double for many “A lister” celebrities. Peirce Brosnan, Harrison Ford, Michael Caine to name just a few. Where would the film industry be without Eddie? He made them look great, luring us to the silver screen and smashing box office records. Most of the films Eddie worked in have of course become classics in home libraries Worldwide! 

So for any of you who are unaware, the Amazing Eddie Kidd started perhaps his most admirable journey yet. Following an accident fourteen years ago which left him unable to walk, Eddie is competing in this year’s London Marathon, raising funds for his beloved charity, Children with Leukaemia and The Eddie Kidd Foundation. Unable to walk, Eddie is “walking” the London Marathon aided by a custom made cart and the love of his doting wife, Sam. It’s expected to take Eddie four weeks to complete the gruelling journey, achieving so far over eight miles and raising so far nearly 22,000 for the charities’.

Eddie Kidd

Children with Leukaemia are the leading charity dedicated to the research and treatment of childhood leukaemia and to the welfare of leukemic children and their families. This being the fourth time Eddie has competed in the marathon for the charity set up by close friends

The Eddie Kidd Foundation is an organisation supporting the treatment and rehabilitation of stunt performers and professional extreme sportsmen and women.

Eddie’s motto being “Never give up” perhaps this can inspire you in the weeks ahead.

For all of you wishing to make a donation please visit – see the Kidd’s Marathon link instructing you how to pledge and please spread the word to all your family and friends about the amazing journey our national treasure is making.

Thank you !

For Journalists: You may want to send a reporter down - Eddie is doing an amazing job raising funds for Children with Leukemia - check out Eddie's Virgin Money Giving page - nearly 22 grand so far!


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Support the Amazing Eddie Kidd


Please accept my absence from blogging recently; as Eddie’s press and publicity agent, I’m sure you can appreciate that I’ve been busy helping to keep our living legend in the media. Fourteen times world champion and stunt double for many “A lister” celebrities. Peirce Brosnan, Harrison Ford, Michael Caine to name just a few. Where would the film industry be without Eddie? He made them look great, luring us to the silver screen and smashing box office records. Most of the films Eddie worked in have of course become classics in home libraries Worldwide! 

So for any of you who are unaware, the Amazing Eddie Kidd started perhaps his most admirable journey yet. Following an accident fourteen years ago which left him unable to walk, Eddie is competing in this year’s London Marathon, raising funds for his beloved charity, Children with Leukaemia and The Eddie Kidd Foundation. Unable to walk, Eddie is “walking” the London Marathon aided by a custom made cart and the love of his doting wife, Sam. It’s expected to take Eddie four weeks to complete the gruelling journey, achieving so far over eight miles and raising so far nearly 22,000 for the charities’.

The Little Boy Who Found The Truth

18 April 2011

Here’s a short story about a little boy who found the truth...

Sarah loved animals, she always had. One Sunny day, whilst walking her dog, she heard feint cries up above her head; there in the cherry tree was a tiny kitten that was trapped in its branches. “Oh Tippy Toes” she reassured, recognising him as her neighbour’s cat, “I’ll help you, don’t worry”, she said, noticing a ladder by the side of a garage. But Sarah knew she needed some help as her right leg was in a plaster cast.

“I know” she thought. “I will ask my friend James to help me”. Moments later the two children were by the foot of the cherry tree gazing up at poor Tippy Toes. “Right” said James,” We need to find a ladder, you reassure him Sarah; find out who he belongs to”. Sarah thought that James was being a little bit bossy as she remarked, “I told you I’d already found a ladder when I knocked at your door, and he belongs to Mrs. Watkinson.

James wasn’t listening as he hopped up the rungs and it wasn’t long before Tippy Toes was safely in his arms, “ouch, he scratched me” James yelped as Tippy Toes freed himself from James’s clutches.

In assembly the next morning, Mr. Young, the Children’s’ head teacher, spoke about the importance of friendship and truth and Sarah felt a mixed up warm fuzziness feeling in her little tummy. She was both pleased that she had spotted poor Tippy Toes whilst annoyed that James appeared to be trying to over-shadow her.

It’s funny how her little tummy was right. Because at break time, while sipping her juice, she overheard James bragging to all his friends how he’d found the poor kitten, rescued him and reassured him too. Not a single mention of Sarah. Worst of all he was off to get the chocolate bar as his reward which Mrs. Watkinson had promised him for his kindness.

Skipping merrily on the way to Mrs. Watkinson’s house later that afternoon, and still no care in the World for Sarah, he knocked at her big red door. “Oh hello dear” she greeted, holding the shiny purple bar. “Where’s Sarah?” she queried peaking around her door.

“Yes”, said another voice, “where is Sarah?” The voice sounded familiar to the young boy and indeed it was, as there in the porch, Mr. Young appeared with a quizzical look on his face.

“May I introduce you to my Mother young James” said the boy’s head teacher. “Yesterday, while marking my books from the bay window, I saw it was young Sarah who helped poor Tippy Toes first, and you young man, have somewhat rather over-shadowed that fact.” “I suggest you go and get Sarah, and remind yourself of my assembly this morning,” he added!

Business can be full of greed and mistruths. Apply a dose of kindness, truth and consideration to your colleagues this week and watch them thrive and shine on!


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How do I Sound?

21 March 2011

Have you ever thought about how you sound?

Whether it’s over the telephone or face to face, how you sound is a really integral part of communication because it can enhance or expose how you are feeling. The tone in your voice or how you sound is often a mood reflector which can be both helpful or a hindrance in your daily communications with your clients. Over the telephone for instance, over 90% of the other person’s opinion of you is formed, sub consciously, on the way you sound, and since the content of what you wish to convey is important, then it’s vital to ensure that the way you sound is the way you want to sound. 

As humans we are very good at picking up on deflections in one another’s voices; leverage for positive outcomes, persuasions, or equally a vantage point if we sense vulnerability because someone for instance, sounds tired, bored or otherwise. An opportunity for exploitation; an Achilles heel opportune moment to swoop in, hold court, take over and at times like this we don’t want to be prey to anyone!

Invest ten minutes, even five and think about an event last week when you needed to convey something, work or home whereby you didn’t get the outcome you wanted?

You can improve your chances the next time by simply considering the differences, and the key is that they should all be the same, in how you sound, how you want to sound and how you think you sound.

A little pondering on this could make a huge positive difference the next time you need to speak to somebody; convey an important message, delegate etc. And if you have young Children, then practising how you sound with them will also help to improve the daily juggle of your work, life balance!


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Listen to your gut instinct

9 March 2011

We use our heads for the rational thinking but it's in our stomachs were we feel something, where our emotional centre is, the place in our bodies where we feel our "gut instinct".

Back in the day when we were clothed in animal skins, had to hunt for survival is when our gut instinct was probably used at its optimum; with no dangerous predators' preying on our flesh these days, few of us allow the instinct to prevail, or we feel a gut instinct but don't always let it through to our conscious minds, we therefore push it to the back of our minds.

But what if you welcomed your gut instinct back into your conscious minds; rather than leaving it dormant in your unconscious minds? If only to try it for a week, what new things could you discover, how might your new choices effect your decisions?

Blessed with having cerebral palsy, only thankfully affecting my right hand side, I knew as a Child, and helped by having unorthodox parenting that with impaired physical ability, perhaps the feelings in my stomach actually were worth some "air time". So I've always relied on what my gut instinct "says" in most daily situations. I feel blessed that missing out physically came with a silver lining and I might add that never a day goes by without being so grateful that I can even walk.

So since you can all shift your minds, literally just allow your gut instinct to be part of your conscious thoughts, I would love to hear from any of you who try this and who are willing to let me write some case studies about you ( as part of a new book I'm writing ).

Meanwhile perhaps you will allow me to share some of the things which I discovered recently through listening (and acting upon) my gut instinct. I'll list them for ease of reading:

1: Save time over the weekend Emma, get your groceries on Friday night instead.

A friend called me on Saturday morning (when I could have been in the supermarket) not spoken to her for years we had a great catch up & shared some interesting ideas

2: I've a feeling that Sean will be able to talk to me if I call him at noon.

He was and we closed a deal, my head was saying call him at 5pm, but I chose to listen to my inner voice.

3: I'll work through lunch time today so I can finish my press release

My daughter needed collecting early from School and I didn't miss any working hours plus was completely up to date with my work load.

What results will you achieve? Let me know


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Copy the King of the Jungle

21 February 2011

If you are caught up with the stress of everyday life, it's hard to focus; to sift through and concentrate on the important things in life. So if you want to give your mind a makeover and this is a really invaluable thing to do because an uncluttered mind with force clarity and the creativity you may feel eludes you at times then learn to think like the King of the jungle, the lion and emulate how he spends his day.

Like all animals, who frankly seem to have a superior sense of common sense than us humans, let's look at how the King of the jungle plans to avoid stress. He focuses on the fundamentals' and once he's achieved them, then the surplus time gained he, like the domestic cat, dog or even guinea pig allows himself to spend sufficient time relaxing. Not a treat, for relaxing will rest your mind, body and spirit, paving the way for higher levels of productivity. Once rested, the Lion is charged with the energy he needs to hunt for his next meal.

The King of the jungle has four primary things to ensure for his survival. These key things are his priorities and they are: Shelter, food and water, and resting or sleeping.

He thinks of nothing else, perhaps only safety of the pride and these are what make up his every day agenda.

So if you could emulate what the King of the jungle does what are the really important tasks that you should be focusing on today and what things are not important?

This may seem a simple way of thinking but in an over- complicated society, I find that people are looking for tools to support a more simple way of thinking and indeed operating because we are bombarded with tasks which are either not a priority or that take up valuable units of our time and thinking like the King of the jungle might help you in the week ahead.


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Give what you want!

6 February 2011

Do you have things that you want and do you wonder why you are not getting them?

Does it cause you hours of lamenting as you lay in your evening bath, contemplating the day and working over and over in your mind why things didn’t seem to go your way earlier today?

This I’m confident has happened to you, perhaps frequently and as an “intelligent adult”, it’s likely to only heighten your anxieties and frustrations because it feels like the “rubix cube” you spent hours as a child mastering; because you didn’t want “so and so” in your class to be the only whizz kid who could master it!

So what if I tell you that you have the ability to get the things you want and that it only needs a modification in how you think to achieve these things. 

All relationships work like “pullies and levers”, my great friend Dr. Paul Burr explains this further in his new book, “Learn to Love and Be Loved in Return”, an essential read; the modern day “bible of life”. Paul talks of relationships and how they begin with the relationship we have with ourselves and that if you have something that you want then you must learn to give it first. This is also a great tool to utilise, here are some examples.

You want a cuddle so give a cuddle.  You want to spend more time with the children so give more time. Tell them that every Sunday afternoon is family time, speak to your partner during the week about what they might like to do on Sunday, plan it together over dinner, and then look forward to it.

 How can you apply this to work? You want next Monday off, it’s your best friends 40th birthday party at the weekend and she lives miles away, so give your boss extra time during the week, talk to him/her and say why and what it is you want and you’ll get it...

“John I would like to give you a few evenings this week, get those important proposals out, that way we’ll have the time to hopefully close the business for this month’s sales. John will be pleased with your empathy, so when you say that you want next Monday off, he will probably quip “of course”.

What do you want and how can you give it first. Try this for yourselves, you’ll be amazed at how powerful giving can be!


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Change your mind

29 January 2011

We're in an era of rapid change and I'm noticing that so many of us are reacting to a situation rather than taking the leap of faith and being proactive. This is my observation of people I meet and speak with during the week and to me it's a symptom of uncertainty with the economy; why people are reluctant to spend and happy to admit that the hard times are affecting them in one way or another.

If you like we're in a vacuous void, one which we must acknowledge if we are to clamber out and be back on firmer footing. This is a mind shift, a change of mind, which you may need to make. Not to get sucked in by all the negative energy, to remember who we are as individuals, remember our unique attributes and regain the control which ebbs away when the mind is distracted.

This may seem hard and I'm not going to be glib and state that it's easy; all of us, unless we are not being truthful, will in some way feel negatives vibes around us, growing like plants and nurtured by the fragile economy. But the trick is to discipline our minds so that we can make a shift in our mindsets and regain our line of focus.

A great way to do this, for all of you to whom this resonates, is to mimic the way someone you know, who seems to exude positivity, handles a task. Emulate their attitude. Such people will doubtless be good at positive self affirmations; this shift in attitude is mighty powerful. You can apply it now.

Try saying to yourself "I will have a productive day today" or "I will be able to get hold of John today". You could apply this in other ways too such as, "there will be a parking space outside the office this morning". With this example, if there isn't a space, learn not to stress the "small stuff", brush it off, and forget it. Tomorrow might be different, who knows? The point being that learning to brush off the "small stuff" will strengthen your ability to focus on building positive affirmations which in turn will nurture your very "must have now" useful positive and proactive mindset; create higher feelings of control and keep you happy and productive.


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The importance of decision making

10 January 2011

Decisions are an essential part of life, whether at work or in our personal lives. Making a decision means making a judgement between two or more alternatives which can cause many people much anxiety leading to indecisiveness.

So a few points need to be remembered when making your decisions, be it in the work place or in your personal lives to protect you from becoming indecisive because indecisiveness triggers anxieties and typically results in no action being taken.

When you next need to reach a decision, ask yourself what the outcome will be. Write down a list of "pros and cons", and think about the life cycle of the decision; what influence will it have, say in six months time? If reaching a decision results in reduced levels of your control, then examine what the alternatives are.

This year there are many things such as the increase on VAT which could hinder the decision making process, but you cannot afford the time to procrastinate even though there seems to be an epidemic of procrastinators. Procrastination literally freezes the ability to take action or make a decision and if your business is to sustain or thrive in the next twelve months then today is the day you should promise yourself that you will not get bogged down by the crippling effects of indecisiveness.

Last year for instance, I met many business people who were stuck on reaching a big decision which if they had re-examined, then they could literally and instantly melt away their anxieties and this is about the permanency of the outcome. On the basis that few things are permanent, here's an example. Whether you should hire a receptionist? The anxiety could be building up as you may worry about being able to afford to keep them on next year. Equally the benefits will certainly be based on time saved answering in-bound calls. So perhaps you could try an alternative being hiring a call answering service at a fraction of the cost of a salary – see if the service meets your needs then diarise a review date in six months time. Happy decision making in the year ahead!


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Powerball your energy!

10 December 2010

Having a lethargic dull day, feel like your energy is draining from you and the cold weather not helping either?
Well if that's how you are feeling today and you need a positive energy lift to keep you focused and motivated here's some simple energy tips to help you regain your energy and Powerball you back on track. Take a fifteen minute break; cup of tea style in the canteen or a walk along the seafront or in the park.

While you are relaxing simply think about all the good little things that happened to you last week. If you can only think of the havoc that the snow played on your daily routine then reflect back on last month instead.

Did you get a great message on facebook from a friend that's been through hard times, has he or she just announced an engagement? Did you go down to the supermarket and discover that they were doing an amazing three for one offer on several of the items you buy anyway and so saved you money to spend on something nice and for you for a change. Perhaps they sliced the prices down on your favourite Rioja meaning that you could justify the expenditure and buy a couple of bottles.
Maybe your new haircut earned you lots of compliments in the office, perhaps you found five extra pounds in your wallet crumpled up behind some receipts?

Collect all your personal positive units of energy, see them merge into one big Powerball then make your way back to the office and sit back at your desk feeling fully charged, or a lot more so than you felt fifteen minutes ago and the rest of the day is back under your control!


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Humour's contagious so have a giggle!

31 October 2010

Isn't there enough doom & gloom in the media today? Can't help but think that the news only makes matters worse; half an hour of invasive, top heavy hard to digest headlines.

So opt out and don't listen to the news during the working day. I'm not disputing that times are tough, economic restraints effecting us all, but by making a conscience decision to avoid listening to the news during your working hours will stop you becoming distracted, avoid that heavy feeling in the pit of your stomach, similar feeling to that of the post Sunday lunch one, and boy can it play havoc with your productivity!

For an energy tonic, guaranteed to work, see what happens for the next week by spending half an hour laughing, giggling or even smiling.

If it's An Idiot Abroad which does it for you, then catch up with an episode on the net. Maybe invest half an hour on Skype cracking jokes with a friend or perhaps a visit to You tube to watch your favourite comedian.

When you're done, and you could give this a go in the morning or at lunch time when your energy levels take a natural dip, notice the difference in how you sound.
Whenever possible share the joke spread the idea and you will almost certainly find the day easier to manage.

Laughing is a well-known stress buster and you will be pleasantly surprised to know that your prospects' will hear the difference in your tone and voice making them far easier to connect with and good connections make the perfect environment to close deals in.

Happy giggling in the days ahead!


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Getting To Know You

23 October 2010

"Getting to know you, getting to know all about you. Getting to like you, Getting to hope you like me."

The chorus from one of my childhood favourite musicals but what nuggets of wisdom can we extract from these jolly lyrics and apply them in our communications today?

As everyone you speak to is busy, run of their feet actually, and hugely time deficient, please refrain from making dull transparent sales calls and avoid the same tactic in your email correspondence too because remember that people buy from people.

Get to know your prospects better through a more informal approach; daring to empathise with them will work for you because interestingly networking events that apply more of a social gathering style are fast drawing more attendees than the stiff formal ones of yesterday.

Typical formats included the sixty second business pitches, which nobody really listened to purely because the format has been over exhausted.

So when you're next contemplating some telephone business development work, cut the staid script, and plunge in, with empathy instead. If the prospect sounds busy, tell them that you can hear that now may not be a good time to talk with them, note with and not too them; cut your introductory statement right back, actually throw it away because it won't work.

Adapt this as an example instead:

Clare, hi, it's Emma from The Business Promoter, you asked me to call you about placing the Kyla Wight piece in your magazine, now a good time to talk?

If so, then proceed with expected actions and dare to ask a convenient time to take the next step.

If it's not a good time to talk, then dare to ask when is. Today I used this tactic with a television production company; I won't name them but suffice to say that they are a household name, huge ratings means wildly busy BUT the person in question offered an exact time slot, tomorrow, in fact at 11.30am when she would be happy to proceed with the conversation!


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Perfect planning prevents.....

17 September 2010

Well I'm sure you know how that phrase ends but how many of us really do plan our business activities?

Managing Director, Penina Shepherd, of Acumen Business Law, formed in February 2008, and already featured in The Financial Times top fifty law firms in the UK and Europe, has recently made a very poignant quote. "Most people when they start a business focus on what they can do rather than how they are going to do it, and that's why 85% of them fail".

What a refreshing and true read, and a statement which has sparked so many recollections with the many companies I have come across that I felt compelled to discuss a couple of examples, to share with you, some further gems of wisdom for consideration.

Let's first look at the subject closest to my heart, public relations. Whilst The Business Promoter is well known for our project based campaigns, and we're still the proud "owners" of a 100% placement record, it's a shame that often only when there is an anniversary, twenty years of trading since January 1990, when companies approach me to get them in the local newspaper. But what if they were to plan their publicity opportunities and form their plans based on the twelve months ahead? What if they were to plan for bigger target awareness in the national media, radio and television?

One such company I know, are unique in their sector for providing twenty four hours opening times yet very few of their customers even know about this. The benefits from being open around the clock have never been aired, let alone the breadth of services they provide. Another company never charges for initial consultations, no matter the duration of these, and their Clients' travel from all over the UK to Brighton to have the consultations, and they happily provide this service on a regular basis, yet no national plans are currently in place to shout about this!

Additionally, both these companies provide the service to other same sectors, they have a passive arrangement with them but could consider planning some joint tie - in opportunities, join forces with them and strengthen their brands. Equally there are many joint marketing opportunities which could provide mutual benefits. The Key being planning, how could they be doing it, and who could be their choice businesses to associate with?

Marketing too, I find is typically reactive based, planned only at top level, or when obvious events, or national awareness days are appropriate to a given sector; there are many "missed tricks" over-looked through lack of time allocation planned in.

It's therefore essential to devote the time to plan to work in your business rather than just on it as I'm confident that you too have many ripe opportunities, ready for harvesting!


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More Glue Please!

9 August 2010

We all know that we're in hard economic times but I urge you all to stop further hindering your sales by the abominable lack of communications that I, for one have been observing over the last twelve months, especially. Let's reinstate the "glue" the binder that used to make us commit to actually returning a call or even answering your telephone.

This isn't a rant, I simply cannot reiterate enough what negative effect this is surely having on your bottom line and I embarked on a simple mystery shopper especially to help bring the vital evidence of my findings to you my reader!

Last week, I chose thirty businesses, at random, and according to advert size in my local newspaper to call. I deduced that those companies with bigger display advertisements to be of reasonable size, but within the thirty, there were of course those which I deemed to be sole traders. I began calling and was horrified with the "results". Firstly less than a third of the businesses behind the adverts, even answered their lines, and these were NOT just the sole traders, this in itself is shocking. One such place was a restaurant that I called from reading a current review and I really didn't predict a no answer, not even answer phone I might add, just endless ringing! How many bookings had they lost? The keen diner will be unlikely to try again; the keen diner will of course try one of their competitors so put another way, one third of businesses, will never know the true yield of their advert.
Eight other places had an answer phone take their call, and some of those still had "this is BT 1571 please leave a message after the tone.. Who would feel like leaving a message there? Another nine businesses, who did answer the call, were a mix of recorded option choices, none of us like these do we? And three only of these were answered by ill experienced people who simply didn't, and I mean none of them, attempt to take any proactive, leader style approach with me. Two businesses only, did I enjoy a sensible conversation with and that to me is very telling. The results of my findings, I'm quite sure are typical across the nation, yes we might all be time deficient, but we need to be aware of this epidemic because it will strangle your profits if you fail to value the power of the telephone and connect with people who want to spend money at your business.


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Your television needs you!

10 July 2010

What genre of television and film entertainment flicks your switch? Perhaps it's a James Bond thriller, could it be an old black and white classic or are you a soap fan?

Doubtless we all have our favourites, those clips we see, enticing us to the cinema, for some thrill seeking action; some must see drama or latest box office hit.

With an abundance of special effects, clever editing and software, it's easy to over-look that all such entertainment involves human intervention, the actors themselves, often selling a film, just because they are who they are, but the visual necessities would not be possible without the less renowned real stars of the shows, their stunt doubles!

The daring stunt doubles who enhance the actors' role, the daring stunt doubles who bring in the revenue too, the visual creators, the action makers; all of course enjoying a fraction of the salary of that of the famous actor they are body doubling for!

And without a second thought we barely know of their existence, or we assume that it's only the biggest budget films that use them, this is not the case. A new drama, out now, called Dive has a budding 2012 Olympic swimmer, doubling for the lead actress, diving and other roles required to bring about a sense of reality to the short series. Eastenders, actor, Charlie Clements had a stunts person too, used in the dramatic roof jumping scene and a year ago this month, David Holmes, "Harry Potter's" body double broke his back while on set, he is unlikely to walk again, he is still only in his early twenties. He's in receipt of a tiny pay out, not sufficient to keep him, his career looks all but over. Even as I write this, I'm aware of another Harry Potter tragedy; yet one more stunts person has been injured on the World famous set what affect will this have on their career?

As Eddie Kidd's friend and publicist, the living legend of thirteen world records, famed for his motorbike stunts, The Great Wall Of China being one, Eddie was also responsible for bringing in the money for some of the most World famous films and stars. Too many to list, but they include: Val Kilmer, Harrison Ford, Michael Caine, and Pierce Brosnan! With dashing good looks our hero stared in a Levi Jeans campaign and was on every teenager's wall, he raised millions for charity; the brakes screeched to a halt, however after his untimely accident.

But the charismatic hero is fighting back; it's hard to keep a legend pinned down, he supports countless charities, one being Kids with Leukaemia, his competing in next year's London Marathon, pretty impressive as he's in a wheelchair. He has set up to assist other stunts people and with no insurance pay out either, and like so many other associates in his field, Eddie survives on a meagre income, his diary devoted to raising money for a host of charities, his number one vocation for the last fourteen years.

It brings me great pleasure to announce, for all of you who don't know that Eddie is getting married later this month to the amazing Sam Kirli, a love spanning nearly three decades, his soul mate, his confidante, his true love, and my "big sister". 

So please, let charity start at home, your home, the place you watch your television, spare a thought for all the wonderful true hero's of entertainment and make a donation to the Eddie Kidd foundation in show of your appreciation for bringing you so much excitement in the films, dramas and soaps that you love to watch!


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Advertising....The Facts!

2 July 2010

Advertising and marketing your business is a critical investment in today's tough economic times; cutting back on your marketing budget is never a wise entrepreneurial move, however, shrewd placement choices and calculated marketing modes, will always immune and strengthen your business whether we are mid recession or during times of boom.

Worryingly, advertising is still often shied away from, it can be seen as another interruption to the day, a sales call, but it warrants your time, it is a form of marketing that needs careful consideration in your overall marketing mix. It is your opportunity to communicate to your prospective clients and still cheaper than direct mail in the majority of cases. It is an expense, which your accountant can offset at your year end, and its success can be measured, tried and tested.

If advertising didn't work then we would not have any commercial breaks on the radio or television. To the contrary there are, and we must emulate the bigger companies' example by taking an essential proactive, rather than, the fashionable, reactive approach through our entire marketing mix of which advertising should be amongst your list of marketing modes.

So how should we embark on our own unique marketing mix? The key is testing because your business is unique and what may work for example, for one IT consultancy, may not necessarily be fruitful for your business. The one size fits all approach will not work and spending all of your marketing budget in quick succession, or only allocating it for certain periods, rather than spreading it over each month will only leave your business exposed and indeed deem your company as a vulnerable, and soft opportunity, when your competitor snaps up the chance to assume a more proactive role. Rigid planning too far ahead, even for the next twelve months, is not good advice either. Not in an economy where such rapid changes are occurring, social changes, the ways in which we communicate are more fluid now than even six months ago. Instead commit to making a twelve month "working document marketing  plan", one which is adaptable according to trends; one which focuses per quarter and that will give you time to modify your route, react to new opportunities and have the financial resources to do so.

There are, according to the marketing Guru, Jonathan Jay, in excess of eighty forms of marketing methods; advertising, PR, Publicity and telemarketing to name a few. Additionally the group includes social media; facebook and key words  being a couple so it may seem a daunting task to decide which modes will work for your business, which will yield a healthy return on your investment?

This is why testing is so important, coupled with an adaptable personal approach. Do not fall into the trap of becoming reliant on a single mode just because it's working today. Key words on Google will for example pull your company to the top of search engine results and you may be enjoying plenty of impressions as a result on your website, but that's not insurance that you are converting the enquiries into sales. It's also bypassing the need to be emotive, the provision of the human intervention, the opportunity to build a rapport with your prospect, answering their objectives.

Some of the old fashioned marketing modes are being over shadowed. The telephone and an informative sales person may not get the hit quantity but the informed, tenacious human will answer questions immediately whether you are wishing to receive inbound enquiries or create outbound leads.

Similarly, careful advert placement, matching a publication to your desired social demographic, will get the telephone ringing, though series booking is essential so that you can truly measure response. Three month booking is recommended and be proactive and change your advert to address seasonality or peak or trough times. Give your prospect a reason, or "call to action" to get in touch with you and dare to be different!

Today's prospect is time deficient, and may be impatient as a result, the prospect will almost certainly like questions answered in real time rather than signing up to a newsletter. The prospect will refer back to valuable benefits depicted carefully in a static advertisement.

I am not undermining social media, I am simply stating that it sits within a much larger, must have bespoke marketing mix. As with any relatively new system, product or service, it is human nature to jump on the band wagon or follow what's in vogue but the flip side of human nature is that in so a lot of other factors get over-looked or neglected.

In my role and over twenty five years of sales, PR, Marketing and publicity, I talk to lots of businesses, I represent many of my clients and listen to what their prospects needs are on a daily basis. I enjoy the narrative back to my clients and it's very interesting to report on how people are reacting in today's market. The findings are quite remarkable. Whilst people are busier than ever "doing the doing", I am continually hearing the same reactions. Prospects are enjoying the personal touch for instance, they do not mind speaking on the telephone either, through of course succinct communications. They see it as a time efficient way to grasp new information. They, like my customers are craving for new ideas, ways to stand out from their competitors, ways to attract media attention, help in creating an advert, a marketing letter and so on. They are in short enjoying the good old fashioned, personal touch against the backdrop of faceless communications.

Communications are changing; the government is making cutbacks to stabilise the deficit. Companies are beginning to awake, the savvy ones becoming proactive in their actions and in the wave of change are opportunities, and changes always provide new opportunities, new opportunities to reconsider some of the wider group of marketing modes.


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I'm Lovin' It!

28 June 2010

Advertising works, if it didn't McDonalds would not be spending millions of £'s doing it!

In spite of all the "bad press" advertising gets, it can work for your business but you need to get your advert, positioned in the correct media form for your sector and the content well thought out too. You need to give your prospective customer a reason to take action through a time sensitive offer, clearly stating what the benefits are about your company, coupled with a simple coding system so that you can measure and monitor response.

If you fail to do this, then you may as well burn your money. Also since all marketing methods must be bespoke, and it's never a case of "one size fits all," any new marketing elements you want to consider, advertising being one, must be tried and tested. Always book a short series of three insertions, vary the advert if need be where your business may be season sensitive, and ask all new enquiries how they heard about you.


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Are you getting your timing right?

21 June 2010

In the World Cup, England equalised with the U.S. An unlucky slip of the glove meant that Rob Green missed catching the ball resulting in a score of 1-1. Whatever the other factors were; bad luck, slow reactions, ultimately his timing was very slightly too slow and a lot can be learnt from this.

Consider how this translates to a business scenario, when getting the timing right could have a critical effect on the net profits your business anticipates for the months ahead.

When enticing prospects to raise a purchase order, signing the agreement is becoming a more intricate process, more so now than ever before, with reluctance to spend rife; ensure that you immune your business against the detrimental effects that ill planned timing can have. Sales forecasts can only predict and theorise what your profits will be next month but cannot be counted as essential cash flow until the monies are in your account and timing is too often predicated, rather than calculated, and the outcome could cause you a devastating dent in your sales, let alone the cost per sales, again, another element of the sales process too often over- looked.

The litho print company won a chance to tender for the local authorities internal printing requirements for the year ahead, with keen prices and a great team behind him the M.D. knew he was in a great position to win the contract, armed with the knowledge that his likely local competitors, had an inferior plant, he sat confidentially at his desk, Monday morning, basking in the knowledge that the tender application form would take him only an hour to complete and that later on in the week, he could easily find the time to fill it in.

The week went very well indeed, unexpectedly well because his key sales person bought in double the anticipated orders for the week and the whole week a smooth runner with none of the usual hick ups.

Friday afternoon at 4’O’clock Chris Bick, the M.D. at his scheduled time, he’d planned in, on the Monday morning, bothered to open the attachment he had marked as unread, to remind himself to set about completing the necessary credentials required by the council for the “job” he knew would be  “a walk in the park to win “.

As the attachment opened his chest began to tighten as his eyes scanned the first requirement, the words pricked his eyes and they began to water...

 ”Applications for tendering must be received by 4’ O’clock on Friday 18th June 2010 and those received after this time will not be considered”!


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Staying Alive....

17 June 2010

On a list of twenty businesses from a year ago, sadly half of them are no longer trading. Could any of them taken more action and been more proactive in gaining media attention through PR?

The perfect way to drum up sales

Consider that even a regional magazine lifestyle magazine attracts £1200 for a full page advert and that good editorial written by a PR not only reads as though it has the Editor's endorsement; of course it does or the Editor would not have published it, plus you are looking at less than a quarter of the fee through hiring a good PR agent like The Business Promoter.

Most PR companies boast 85% placement rate but The Business Promoter, through being very well connected with the media is still holding onto a record 100% success rate on the successful placement of editorials.


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