Alan Vaughan - Countryman Inn, Shipley - 11/06/2012

Countryman Inn is an award winning pub in Shipley Sussex.


To promote the green and recycling ethics of the business; including their kitchen garden, where the majority of their fresh produce is grown, and their popular volunteer project.


Numerous competitions and features in the local press including: Business Matters Magazine, Mid Sussex Country Times and Latest Magazine. Three radio interviews with BBC Surrey and Sussex - “Dig It” programme, one of the most popular regional broadcasts.


The results have been outstanding with several full page articles in various newspapers and magazines including the County Times, Business Matters and ETC magazine. Your PR expertise has also resulted in two full length interviews on BBC radio Sussex and Surrey with more to follow.

This latest marketing campaign has achieved more results in such a short space of time than I could ever have hoped for with conventional advertising.  Thank you!


Alan Vaughn - Proprietor

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